Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca -
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…they just buy bifocal safety glasses.
My children are very intelligent. They clearly got the best of both of their parents’ genes. They both get good grades, and have been on the honor roll since honor rolls were invented. This is not to brag, it’s just a fact. If I wanted to brag. I’d consider putting a sticker on my car to point it out to anyone driving behind me. Or not.
My neighbor Jackie came over a few days ago with a medicine bottle. She told me she found this little bug walking on her arm. I took pictures but it was moving fast and I didn’t have enough light for a good field-of-view.
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” – John Donne
So here I am in Panama Beach, Florida, in the Marriott Bay Point Resort Village. The picture above is the view from my balcony. It is lovely.
Ian had his Cross Country banquet last night. Though not the fastest kid on the team, he still had a good season, improving his performance consistently, except for the last race where he forgot to eat. No, really. A 15 year-old boy forgot to eat the night before. Instead of sucking down a pound of pasta, he ate some Wheat Thins and went to bed. It was bonk city the next morning. 3 minutes off his p.r.
For those of you who live outside the Midwestern U.S., you may not be familiar with a phenomenon called leaf pickup. The amount of deciduous leaves that we generate coat our yards a foot thick, and to maintain air quality, the city bans burning of leaves. Given the average person’s ability to deal with a fire outside, I think that’s a fine idea.
So today I’m sitting at a picnic table with a media rep, and guess what lands on my note pad?